No matter what type of back pain your are suffering from, you would rather leave it behind sooner than later!
Below you’ll find a great number of links to articles written with ONE PURPOSE in mind:
Helping YOU get rid of YOUR Back Troubles.

I got the title for this intro from a very old ad I saw for a book from 1973! Written by a very happy patient of a doctor who helped this writer leave all back troubles behind.
I managed to get an old copy of this book and read it through in one night…
…I was flabbergasted! How come this knowledge is not common knowledge with every physiotherapist or chiropractor?
How come I never heard of this ONE simple self correcting exercise that enables regular people to self correct their SI-joint, so easily?
I remember the last time my back popped out…
…immediately my hips went crooked as well, my shoulders no longer straight above my hips. Everything out of whack and my whole back cramped up and me in severe muscle spasms and horrific shooting back pains!
Am I ever happy I found this book. And you know what? The knowledge of this great doctor Thompson now lives on in one of my ebooks!
In the articles below you’ll find old and new discoveries. I personally could not care less how old or new something is, or who advocates it or not. If you are like me, when I am in pain I am only interested in what works NOW, no matter how old or new the solution is.
Because Back PAIN is very much a NOW thing, and the best moment to do something about your pain, therefore is NOW!
To your pain free back!