Back Pain, Bulging Discs or Sciatica?
My Physical Therapist Laughed When I Told Him I Developed The Self Help Program BackPainGoodBye!...
...Until he saw this:

Left 15 years of back troubles and a bulging disc L5S1 behind

I want to thank you again for thinking along and of course for the balanced program you developed. All clear and so simple.
I photographed the Women’s Hockey World Cup. At first I felt that this tournament came just a little too soon. In the end I got through alright. They were very long days. The exact ingredients where things would normally go wrong.
The weeks before, I did endurance training twice a week and daily the exercises you prescribed. Where I did exercise 1 (partially) and let the last exercise go. The rest went well and I felt my back become more stable.
Surviving that tournament gave me a huge boost.
My confidence is back!
– Willem Vernes – Sports Photographer
The Netherlands
But let me introduce myself
After more than 20 years of ever worsening back problems I decided enough was enough.
I was tired of this crazy merry go round of my back going out and me having to go to a chiropractor or physical therapist just to get on with life.
My work is problem solving, so I went on a massive hunt to find a solution for my own back problems.
I managed to develop a simple program that helped me rid myself of back pain once and for all.
That was in 2003 and I have been FREE from Back Pain ever since! 20 years of back pain, sciatica and warning signs of a bulging disc finally left behind!
Of course, once I had a solution for myself, I could not keep it to myself.
I ended up writing 4 Self Help books to help others rid themselves of their back problems as well.

So I know from experience that...
Back troubles Can Ruin Your Life, But Only If You Let Them...

I almost feared I had to give up sailing… but here you see me, just having sailed a long distance catamaran race in fierce winds for close to 2 hours straight, continuously hanging out on the wire. My back managed fine and I even broke the long distance record!
Most back pain sufferers never discover how to successfully deal with their back troubles at the root, and if that is you, you might recognize the following:
- Your back keeps popping out ever more often
- Your back pain gets worse over time, possibly even stopping you from living life the way you want
- Your intervertebral discs might even bulge or protrude
- You start an ongoing cycle of treatment that never really deals with the problem at the root, and that's why your troubles come back
- You might even run the risk of being told you need surgery
Getting rid of your back troubles once and for all should NOT be hard, in fact it should be easy.
I left my own back troubles behind and started BackPainGoodBye to help others do the same.
The Proven BackPainGoodBye! Program

The Do It Yourself Solution That Promotes Rapid Natural Back Health And Gives Back Life!
Even if you have unsuccessfully tried everything else!

Thousands of Back Pain, Bulging Disc & Sciatica Sufferers In 93 Countries Already Used The DIY BackPainGoodBye Program To Help Rid Themselves Of All Sorts of Back Troubles & Take Back Their Lives!
Maybe you ask...
Back Pain, Bulging Discs & Sciatica...
ALWAYS Have A Cause!...
Low back pain, herniated disc, sciatica, lumbago… they all have a cause and once you understand the cause, you can almost certainly do something about it yourself.
According to medical statistics, at least 90% of all back pain falls into the category of non-specific back pain…
…which only means that doctors can’t detect a specific physical abnormality that causes your pain…
But did you know that at the beginning of last century the SI joint was the first thing doctors looked at with all back problems?…
And that the medical world has abandoned this practice after surgical procedures to work on the back were introduced?…
And did you know that recent study in 1000 back patients revealed that in 980 out of the 1000 cases, there was a clearly demonstrable SI joint dysfunction…
And that after correcting the SI joint only 0.2% of those 980 people needed surgery or further treatment?
And did you know that nowadays hardly any doctor or specialist looks at this?
But I found one American Chiropractor, already in his eighties…
…who spent more than 40 years studying the SI joint…
And this man developed a unique series of medical exercises to SELF correct the SI joint.
Which means, you can now do something about this yourself!
Because the BackPainGoodBye program is based on this unique medical research, and focuses on the SI joint, which explains why it works so well.
BackPainGoodBye! Articles

BackPainGoodBye! Frequently asked questions
Got questions? Here's some answers.
We have heard back from readers who had almost immediate results, some even after one round of exercises. But that is probably a-typical.
Because we also heard back from people who needed more time to get results. Some even needed some one-on-one coaching.
Since our first book in 2003 we have been in contact with many, many people and there is a reason I ended up writing 4 books now, simply because sometimes more is needed to get the results people want and need.
Par example sometimes people need to make some minor but crucial changes in their diet before progress started.
The BackPainGoodBye Program has evolved in the past 20 years to a full blown DIY Self Help Program, that gets results, even though sometimes not as fast as you or we would like!
Great question, that could be a number of things. In our books we write about the most common causes of back troubles.
Module 1, the BackPainGoodBye book is all about restoring range of motion and stretching and training just the right muscles, so they all engage and each do what they need to do to get and stay pain free.
Our bodies are made to move, and need movement to stay healthy. We collected a series of exercises that have proven to help in healing back pains.
Module 2 is all about taking away the postural causes of back pain.
Module 3 is about giving your intervertebral discs a real treat, allowing them to swell back up to the max, which in turn will make your back feel more supple and nimble. This is how total rejuvenation of your back works.
Module 4 is the latest addition, this is based on the ground breaking work of an immensely bright American Chiropractor, who taught us the medical self correction exercises.
In the books you will read so much more about this, all in short and simple language, any 14 year old will understand.
Great question, that could be a number of things. In our books we write about the most common causes of back troubles.
Module 1, the BackPainGoodBye book is all about restoring range of motion and stretching and training just the right muscles, so they all engage and each do what they need to do to get and stay pain free.
Our bodies are made to move, and need movement to stay healthy. We collected a series of exercises that have proven to help in healing back pains.
Module 2 is all about taking away the postural causes of back pain.
Module 3 is about giving your intervertebral discs a real treat, allowing them to swell back up to the max, which in turn will make your back feel more supple and nimble. This is how total rejuvenation of your back works.
Module 4 is the latest addition, this is based on the ground breaking work of an immensely bright American Chiropractor, who taught us the medical self correction exercises.
In the books you will read so much more about this, all in short and simple language, any 14 year old will understand.
Great question, that could be a number of things. In our books we write about the most common causes of back troubles.
Module 1, the BackPainGoodBye book is all about restoring range of motion and stretching and training just the right muscles, so they all engage and each do what they need to do to get and stay pain free.
Our bodies are made to move, and need movement to stay healthy. We collected a series of exercises that have proven to help in healing back pains.
Module 2 is all about taking away the postural causes of back pain.
Module 3 is about giving your intervertebral discs a real treat, allowing them to swell back up to the max, which in turn will make your back feel more supple and nimble. This is how total rejuvenation of your back works.
Module 4 is the latest addition, this is based on the ground breaking work of an immensely bright American Chiropractor, who taught us the medical self correction exercises.
In the books you will read so much more about this, all in short and simple language, any 14 year old will understand.
Great question, that could be a number of things. In our books we write about the most common causes of back troubles.
Module 1, the BackPainGoodBye book is all about restoring range of motion and stretching and training just the right muscles, so they all engage and each do what they need to do to get and stay pain free.
Our bodies are made to move, and need movement to stay healthy. We collected a series of exercises that have proven to help in healing back pains.
Module 2 is all about taking away the postural causes of back pain.
Module 3 is about giving your intervertebral discs a real treat, allowing them to swell back up to the max, which in turn will make your back feel more supple and nimble. This is how total rejuvenation of your back works.
Module 4 is the latest addition, this is based on the ground breaking work of an immensely bright American Chiropractor, who taught us the medical self correction exercises.
In the books you will read so much more about this, all in short and simple language, any 14 year old will understand.
Great question, that could be a number of things. In our books we write about the most common causes of back troubles.
Module 1, the BackPainGoodBye book is all about restoring range of motion and stretching and training just the right muscles, so they all engage and each do what they need to do to get and stay pain free.
Our bodies are made to move, and need movement to stay healthy. We collected a series of exercises that have proven to help in healing back pains.
Module 2 is all about taking away the postural causes of back pain.
Module 3 is about giving your intervertebral discs a real treat, allowing them to swell back up to the max, which in turn will make your back feel more supple and nimble. This is how total rejuvenation of your back works.
Module 4 is the latest addition, this is based on the ground breaking work of an immensely bright American Chiropractor, who taught us the medical self correction exercises.
In the books you will read so much more about this, all in short and simple language, any 14 year old will understand.
Never Give Up Hope That You TOO Can Be Back Pain FREE Again!
BackPainGoodBye! FREE eBook

$39.90Lifetime UpdatesIf First Aid is All You Want
- Crucial knowledge & information about your back, including diet tips for rapid results
- 19 Proven Exercises for Back Pain, Bulging Disc and Sciatica
- Guard Your Posture Checklist So Your Troubles STAY Away
- Dutch Decompression Routine - For Total Back Rejuvenation To Get Back To How It Used To Feel
- DIY SI-Joint Self Correction - 98% of All Back Troubles Are Result of SI-Joint Dysfunction - Now YOU Can Correct This YOURSELF
Advanced Bundle
$59.90Lifetime UpdatesIf You Want To Stay Pain Free
- Crucial knowledge & information about the back, including diet tips for rapid results
- 19 Proven Exercises for Back Pain, Bulging Disc and Sciatica
- Guard Your Posture Checklist So Your Troubles STAY Away
- Dutch Decompression Routine - For Total Back Rejuvenation To Get Back To How It Used To Feel
- DIY SI-Joint Self Correction - 98% of All Back Troubles Are Result of SI-Joint Dysfunction - Now YOU Can Correct This YOURSELF
SI-Method Bundle
$79.90Lifetime UpdatesIf Only The Best Is Good Enough
- Crucial knowledge & information about the back, including diet tips for rapid results
- 19 Proven Exercises for Back Pain, Bulging Disc and Sciatica
- Guard Your Posture Checklist So Your Troubles STAY Away
- Dutch Decompression Routine - For Total Back Rejuvenation To Get Back To How It Used To Feel
- DIY SI-Joint Self Correction - 98% of All Back Troubles Are Result of SI-Joint Dysfunction - Now YOU Can Correct This YOURSELF